Scholarships are an incredibly important part of being able to afford your college journey. Unlike student loans, you don’t need to pay scholarship money back, so you should apply to as many as possible! Each month, CollegeXpress highlights upcoming awards and contests as part of “Scholarship Saturday” to help make your search a little easier. Check out the featured awards below, and be sure to apply if you’re eligible. Good luck!
Upcoming Deadlines:
$1,000 | Uncensored
Deadline: December 8
How to enter: Read a banned book by a Native American and Indigenous author and share how you'll discuss the value of these books and stories with your peers during Native American Heritage Month.
Who’s eligible? Applicants must be between the ages of 13 and 25.
$500 | CX Holiday Wishlist Scholarship
Deadline: November 30
How to enter: Applicant must be 13 years or older and a resident of the US. Answer the question: What’s the #1 gift you would like to receive this holiday season?
Who’s eligible? Applicants must be 13 years or older and a US resident.
$1,000 | SuperCollege Scholarship
Deadline: November 30
How to enter: Fill out the application form on the sponsor’s website.
Who’s eligible? Applicants must be high school students, college undergraduates, graduate students or adult students residing in the U.S. and attending or planning to attend any accredited college or university within the next 12 months.
$1,000 | College Ave Monthly Scholarship Sweepstakes
Deadline: November 30
How to enter: Complete the application on the sponsor’s website.
Who’s eligible? Applicants must be US citizens and enrolled in high school or a post-secondary educational institution.
$500 | Right to Work Essay/Video Contest
Deadline: November 30
How to enter: Write one page or submit a video explaining the right-to-work principle and how it benefits individuals in the United States.
Who’s eligible? Applicants must be attending a US high school, college, or graduate school.
Want to continue the scholarship search? Find even more awards using our Scholarship Search tool, and check in with CollegeXpress next month for another Scholarship Saturday.